Thanks dear friends,
For the great input (all the letters which follow),
What about the movies especially the The Society of the Spectacle
by Guy Debord, his book was crucially important for the artists and also thinkers with truly ambitious efforts.
One general answer to the mood of following letters:
(E) Das hier verwendete Wort Abschied hat jedoch in unserem konkreten Kontext nicht den Charakter von herzbeklemmender Trauer über einen Verlust, sondern ist das jubelnde Gefühl anlässlich der Schließung des soeben Erschienenen in der Erwartung des atemberaubenden Folgenden (diese Dynamik hebt die Gegenwart auf). Abschied ist hier die Ekstase und Besessenheit von der folgenden lebendigen Vitalität und weiter und weiter
(G) in this context, the word farewell as used here does not have associations of heart-rending sorrow at a loss, but is instead the joyful feeling on the closure of the just appeared in expectation of the breathtaking event that will follow (this dynamic movement abolishes presence). Here, farewell is ecstasy and obsession as regards the subsequent lively vitality and so forth...
(E) Belief was that God is an eternal presence, but it has appeared that in reality God is eternal future
Can we imagine the consciousness which has inside only a future? When the history is gone and the fact is eliminated together with it, what is the rest then? When one is desperately thirsty and drinks water thirstiness outpaces satisfaction, the Thirst is prior to satisfaction.
The Total Thirst (TTT) is the endless future with no need in satisfaction.
With affection to all of you,
Gia 07.07.09
Dear Gia,
thank you very much for the letter of Flo. Very interesting thoughts, at
least very much encouraging.
I have many questions to Flo, however.
One I want to share with you:
Flo speaks about art and society and how they are separated and how art
is being introduced into society in a very one dimensional way.
Generally this, i think at least, is a right conclusion. On the other
hand it leaks a problem, though. The problem of
valuating positions in a system. It is written from Flo's point of view,
revealing a closer look into Flo's world, which I am grateful for, but
lacking the consciousness of this special phenomena as part of the problem.
The problem is that, after his nevertheless intensive reflection, he
judges and in a way devaluates the quality of the problems and questions
a "normal" guy has by only taking care of his every day life. I think it
is very essential that we must not forget that our main task is to be
aware of this the first place, before trying to get down to the problem.
We are part of the system, no matter how eloquent, intellectual or
primitive we are. We must start in ourselves to look for answers. One
could be to try to really understand another societies (e.g. the
"normal" peoples) viewpoint on the world. Then embrace it in ourselves
(because we also come from this platform) and then find a way. Before that
it will always only be about "Meinung" ( doxa G.E.).
That is my believe, so far, I really hope, however, to meet you soon and
start to have the personal discourse.
For now, have a good day,
all the best,
Simon (sh@4wende.de) 06.07.09
Thank you so much for sending me these messages. For the last couple of days I got a feeling of some vulnerable hope and the little spark for reason of life that was hidden for me temporarily (I hope). I love the idea of this type of communication. Your e-mails are like a window into outside - from claustrophobic surrounding into the vast space with lots of oxygen.
I really appreciate that you put me too into your list.
Maia (maianaveriani@london.com)
Dear Gia,
First I would like to thank you cordially for everything! Lately I often asked myself, is that, what we make, really authentic and honest. Wouldn t we betray ourselves? We always want to release ourselves from restrictions of structure but I think some day we are determined that we cannot escape from it, as long as we possess a physical existence in a binary and separate world.
I watched your movie Apocalypses Now and was very fascinated of it, how at the end everything, death, life, the victim and the culprit became one and I could separate nothing more at all.
I enjoyed the thought to be able to enjoy and to bear the brutal, somehow it tormented and pursued me on a certain way. After few days I understood, how sticky it made me and how heavy. If I look at the slaughtering of a lamb and pursue that, of cause it is a pleasure, but are not we, ourselves those, who are slaughtered in this moment and if we are they, what we want to slaughter in us, if we are nevertheless already everything.
I hope you understand what I wrote here as I already said my English is not great.
I m not sure about these thoughts.
Alles liebe
Helene (helene_meier@web.de) 06.07 09
Dear Mr. Slavoj Zizek,
We, Anna and I (Florian) were at your vital lecture in the University of Bonn.
After the lecture we shortly spoke with you mentioning the art academy we are studding in and also asked you for your e-mail address hoping to invite you with a lecture. I have a modest hope that you still remember this situation.
With this letter we would like to give you a short introduction on our thoughts and ideas.
We are both studying in the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, and we see the academy as an old traditional institution working in and for the cultural space by shaping the pattern consciousness of the students as a means to secure and to feed our society then rather to help the students to become independent and creative minds.
The Düesseldorf academy is known as a manufacturer of never ending stream of "artists". More over it also takes care to find for them the place and the territory within art world and the culture. This activity has as a platform system of classes every Professor has his "own" students and the students have their "own" Professor (the class is the cursor for the student for post Academy life). The idea of an open exchange even within the Academy, beyond of the classes, is fully limited.
As the director on long run Markus Luppertz who focused on a strong tradition and reputation of the academy is leaving this year we would like to initiate a process of inquiry, which will help to redefine the model of Academy, to create and to share new visions for it.
There is a feeling that something is ready for change a new generation of interesting artists came to teach, but steel there is a deep necessity to involve challenge full people from outside the art world, with strong visions, to create a deep and fundamental impact.
These actions shouldn t look like a therapy or a blood infusion but more as a radical operation or recreation we never thought of, we even hope it could be more than that a new vision about the studding process and the role of art institutions in general. Art in our culture is associate with (art) object in its concreteness, like a painting, video piece, installation or performative action, appropriative for communication, trade, perhaps even entertainment.
Within this circumstances we ask ourselves shouldn t art be more a kind of strive for constant awareness and openness towards the outer (or inner) limitless room serving as a strong turning point for our daily life?
Is it a right statement to understand and to treat the true art product more like a relict or a trophy from the daily-life-performance which succeeded in transgression?
In this concern the Düsseldorf Academy had a great past; the radical and provocative ideas have been once powerfully generated there but are now almost fully forgotten. We hardly can remember and even imagine that Joseph Beuys was teaching in the same academy some years ago.
We would love to invite you to participate in the upcoming discussions and lecture series or movement "BACK TO THE FUTURE! in the Kunstakademie Duesseldorf.
If you will find time and energy to help us with your uniquely unordinary way of thinking we would do our best to support your appearance here in Düsseldorf.
Thank you very much for your time and
warm greetings from
Anna K.E. &
Florian Meisenberg (floopi@web.de) 06.07.09
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