(In case anybody would like to be removed from the list of this net please send us back three capital letters NWP /not willing to participate.)
To add more to the examples please watch:
Philip Petit walking in between the towers.
This rope-walker is performing `Outpacing Energy' with total silence and stillness of action. Without an extreme movement, he simply walks in between towers beyond abyss.
As much as this energy has a capacity to overcome anything, but it shouldn't exhaust and overpower both generator and receiver.
It can be performed like an explosion but also formed within mundane movement. This is not about creating shock or impact as an heroic act but more as a continuous drive and struggle to overcome oneself, and for a constant awareness.
Eva Jung (isevajung@gmail.com)
Hi dear friends, it s Gia,
Eva caught one of the important aspects of the nature of Outpacing Energy its silent aspect the most invisible. The clip of rope-walker she sends points that this modus of energy is not only result of post-hyper conditions but its realm is also the life full deserts of non-presence where the attempts of successful focusing usually must end.
The Outpacing Energy explodes the spaces which are ahead of me . During experiencing this energy people live only within a future they are beyond and ahead of their own lives in the bubbling openness which unendingly emerges in every sequence of time and penetrates our everlasting thirst. Here the consciousness itself is the only existing space and refers to nothing. That s why within Outpacing Energy EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE and (as Feyerabend would tell) ANYTHING GOES here consciousness comprehends the world as only it s own product which it pushes further and further, to come and to become, to emerge and emerge, to witness and to witness itself in becoming and emerging
From a future the past is controlled and manipulated effortlessly that s why we can witness so many over phenomenal performances below here in the clips.
The phenomena of our Presence and the Cultural Enterprise* (these are just two names for one thing) are in this conditions thrown away as the stone which had been used to knock to the door before the gate has opened.
These words are addressed to the waiting potencies in all of us,
*Thanks for very special contextual use of this expression Flo!
This is interesting. All these email. I was lost in the beginning, but anyway what comes to mind is synchronized swimming:
Eva (la Cour) (efalacour@gmail.com)
Devin Kenny (devin.kenny@gmail.com)
I'm very interested in the idea of taking the potential energy that from
seemingly inanimate objects or other elements of the environment and
using it to navigate the environment. Skateboarding and Tai Chi, even
taking the internal rhythms of speech and the speed and behaviour of a
reflex and controlling those muscles to construct a dance.
Harmony Korine with David Letterman
Louie Barletta
(There is no better image which conveys postmodern and post-structuralistic spirit then this video Gia E.)
Leyomi mizrahi
Yesterday I screened for the 2. part of the participants video cli , the small footage of Charles Manson interviewed in the prison being asked if he could tell the viewers
who actually is he? He bizarrely answers via grimacing in one movement all kinds of different human faces/expressions and suddenly ends by whispering one word: "nobody".
After I showed this footage I let someone from the participants read a small introduction from a book I found in the salvation army here, it is called " I am somebody" and it is a Christian guide for life.
All together it took maybe 2 minutes. After presentations the audience normally shows its respect with more or less enthusiastic applause.
This time NOBODY(!) clapped, it was a wonderful silence and confusion within the audience, I was amazed and realized that the best reaction on presentation one can evoke is perfect silence.
Charles Menson video very important one: www.youtube.com/watch?v=
I am sending you three links; one of Michael Jackson s Dirty Diana performance, the other one from a band called Suicide and the last one is a sailing compilation.
They are entirely different but all are the examples of this Outpacing Energy we try to describe and speak about. If we by instance or chance witness one of these outpacing energies performed by someone or something we are mesmerized by only getting a limp idea of what this power is capable of.
It goes far beyond of any human condition and the human energy economy Gia described it dissolves any relations and all common understandings and also abolishes the division between the performer and the audience, they become one.
(this is a gift to Leo and his depression and his water with no reflection please hear me!)
This energy has the potential to overcome anything; it is like a pure performance for and in front of God.
By looking up some definitions or synonyms of "outpacing" we thought we could use them to understand this energy further and to develop our g around it so please feel free to use and also misuse the terms in your way.
((((((overpowering o ver pow er ing adj
1. impossible to resist or control
2. with overwhelmingly superior physical strength
outpacing out pace vt
to do better or go faster than ever anything else
out per form vt
to perform better than ever anything else
out point vt
to sail closer to the wind than any other ship
We liked this one very much as sailing is a beautiful metaphor for life. And the outpacing energy appears in form of speed depending on which position or direction you choose for you within the entire energystream (human life/ wind). I watched some youtube videos of really outpointing sailings and it s really amazing how quick the boats get so that one hardly can define if they are already flying or still floating, so they are in a state in between the elements. Like the foam on top of the waves Gia describes so wonderful.
We made a kind of diagram to visualise this outpointing energy, it is attached.
out ride vt
1. to ride better, farther, or faster than ever anything else
2. to survive the violence of the wind and waves during a storm
out post n
1. a small group of troops stationed at a distance from the main body of an army and assigned to guard a particular place or area
2. a small military base in a remote area or different country
3. a settlement in unfamiliar territory or on a frontier
out pour ing n
something that pours or floods out, for example, lava or a strong emotion
out ra geous adj
1. extravagant or unconventional, and likely to shock neighbour
2. violating accepted standards of decency or morality
3. exceeding the bounds of what is reasonable or expected
4. violent or unrestrained in mood or action
out range vt
to have a greater range than something else of the same class, for example, a firearm or missile
out run vt
1. to run faster or farther than ever anything else
2. to escape by or as if by running faster than a pursuer
3. to develop faster or to exceed))))))))))))))))))))
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