TTT - The Total Thirst / Try To Taste / Thrive Towards Truth / Timeless Thrust (in) Truth / Take (Awake) Take (Awake) Take (Awake) / - please create more suggestions.
TTT is not a space for arguments and disputes but for gifts, insights, suggestions, visions, desires of ours and perhaps even love if once a penguin will disappear inside of us.
The Total Thirst (TTT) is a result of the wrong look which is directed not to the phenomena but to the open sky where nothing is to grasp, to communicate, to be part of, to consume it is just a run (of objectless and aimless desire/love) within something widely open, which surely vanishes us and me .
Some mottos of TTT:
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is insight. Jalaluddin Rumi
(suggested by Jon M.)
You shall not bore God
(the source is unknown suggested by Stefan S.)
"Being a person is the wildest ride in the whole universe" Stuart Davis (suggested by Stefan S.)
(This net reaches more then 120 addresses of artists, curators, museum directors, gallery owners, freelance intellectuals , friends and also just Beloved People. Everybody is welcomed to be a part of it to send their shouts, whispers, murmurs in a form of texts or visuals. If anybody is interested to have the previous issues of TTT they can get it by e-mail on their request.)
(In case anybody would like to be removed from the list of this net, please send us back just three capital letters NWP /not willing to participate)
ANNONCEMENT (of) TTT: Please take your time and run to take in the nearest video store Cous Cous mit Fish (original La Graine et Le mullet) stunningly good! One of the most convincing attempts to articulate the very cause of Outpacing Energy and it s drive, its uniting power, where unification is far away to be based on any social characteristics which was always a failure. At least tree levels of reading of movie is suggested. Very much advised!
Dear Gia and all the other potential friends,
I am sending you some lines for to be a part of something perhaps more fun then I ever was before. Actually I didn t have this luxury being a part of anything quite a while since I left my dear mother s house and to me it s a daring and exiting attempt to try this again.
Here is my letter:
I am young, too young and prostitute. With prostitution recently I earned some money and my vintage and nostalgic dress finally gave birth to a new one. It costs not even a half of the money my parents paid for the old one but the new one is a breathtakingly fresh and it is great to dance in it. The rest of the money I put on my savings for my cherished dream and I will tell you now what my dream is about.
I want to buy one of those tiny islands they are now on sale in New Zealand. Not because one can swallow the sun there, make kaka on the beach and the ocean will clean your po. No. Nature as an obsession of infants I dropped long time ago.
Now I tell you why. The day I left home and went away from my dear mother by the chance I red on the wall of the underground an advert of the Buddhist sect Lama Chong , no it was a Christian one, perhaps even Muslim. Anyway, it was written a sentence: Remember only what you easily can forget . I understood this sentence was sent personally to me. This type of memory means to collect and to gather here on the earth such things that at the end you have no possessions. In prostitution there is something about this memory. People pay to me
to have rights not to have memories and I am also paid for not to have memory. All this is about dropping memory and I as a prostitute am paid for this advanced spiritual practice which I am keen to train. So, my dream is to have a gradual celebration on the island which is a memory clean place. When I even think about this all the memories of all my imaginary black mummies disappear.
Hope you are people from these tine islands,
Best greetings,
Y.P. (young prostitute)
Hi Gia,
I m preparing a "art week" for kids right now, so there's not that much time left...but nether the less I m reading/inhale all of your wonderful TTT mails.
The figure skating guy Eva J. is awesome (http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Actually, the idea was to create a photo-piece not really a performance for audience or video - in this case - so the location was a lonesome willow.
I was searching for an image to express the fact/felling of being in between. "In between" nature or the natural given and balanced world (some call it Gaia or simple Mother Earth) and the sphere of spirit or human consciousness as we know it. As a human being I m born right between these two spheres (which are one at the end of the day - but don't tell anyone! Not yet!!!) I think a big part of our conflict or dilemma is about this. Fundamentally, we're part of this wonderful thing called nature - yes, true but partial - on the other side and along with evolution of consciousness we have to emancipate, go further and at the moment (unfortunately) even have to destroy it in a way. A really shocking fact! To become human and to have the possibility to think and contemplate about all this we really have to emancipate from this wonderful natural balance - I personally think that there's no way back - just a further. Real balance lies in front of us. Anything else is biological and at a certain point not that necessary anymore (but like above: Don't tell anyone - not yet!!! TRUS IS DANGEROUS)
Anyway, there are these spheres which Ken Wilber calls "ego" and "eco" and both have healthy and pathological aspects. We all know this - even in our selves. Eco says back to nature (mother) and in a pathologically/ecological way "don t exhale because of carbon dioxide" or "homo sapiens is a disease" which is not one step towards a real solution. Ego is more like "I don't care about anything" "It's all about me" (even I don t have any clue what a "me" or "I" is) But there is this strong ego in exchange...
Even if it sounds like I m talking about environment (in a way also yes), but I think it's more about "being" in general! About being in this world/ being a person - and to handle that fact!
Great Stuart Davis once said " being a person is the wildest ride in the whole universe" - and that's the reason so many souls wants do it!
I m not really good in writing my thoughts in English and also via mail so I hope you could get a taste of what I m working on!?
A blessed time for you and your beloved ones*
P.S. Some more pictures and "the making of an earthworm tried to enter my anus! Felt not that bad.
Dear Stefan,
I love your letter, my dear man! And also what I love how you widen your photo piece in the second and the third images which you sent to us with this letter. They are advanced because via them you put under the irony and scepticism the very concept of your art piece, here it is put into absurd which gave to it the drive of Outpacing Energy showing that none of an art piece can be self-sufficient and sole truth bearer.
When the art piece alongside its original concept also conveys a self rejection tendencies (self-outpacing) this is a major characteristic which in our times all the highest level art pieces have times when Rumi s expression (one of TTT s motto) is so important:
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition.
One of the main things of our exchange of the texts within TTT is that we constantly discussing and see the philosophy within images from world of entertainment (in case of figure skater) and consumption (opening ceremony of Olympic games - http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Distraction is understood as something tragic when spirit gets on the stage of human consciousness (the world exposes itself through the binary opposites), that means it is aware about itself only via physical body and within in this condition the feeling of physical presence is understood as the only and sole form of the possibility to exist. For the pure spirit distraction has no any tragic implications, it is just a modification and metamorphoses of appearances of forms and delay and postponement with the next appearances of the phenomenon the energy is never distracted and never stops activity. I bring here my memory image of the words of Fichte: Even if the entire world will be distracted and turned in to debris my spirit will fly in full darkness on top of wreckage of the world in absolute self contentment . That s a vision of the form of spirit which succeeded to transgress its temporary form (the human consciousness) and entirely settled in its own nature which is a pure freedom from any identifications, attachments and determinations. Within this fact historical process finally successfully finishes (human being as a certain temporary constitution is abolished and like useless stone in Zen-Buddhist parable is threw away) and spirit gets its full independence it is the world and the world is it.
Dear Stefan, I wish you and also all other our friends this above described energy of liberation,
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