Friday, September 25, 2009

TTT ISSUE #3 (if once a penguin will disappear inside of us)

Dear Caro,
I do my best to meet all of you. But please phone me when you will arrive in Düsseldorf immediately. The thing is that these are the last days of the preparing my book for sending to the printing house and you can imagine that I am really under a big stress, but as always everything depends on the schedule of the concrete day. It will be a pity not to meet you.
I am missing your texts for TTT. You wrote such a wonderful letter deep, intimate, truthful, (which I put on the net) why not to enter this space of research for our own soul capacities and its orientations constantly. The mode of exchange with life in case of artist must change into hyper active. artists, writes or any others if they are truly creative people live only in this tensed mode (this energetic mode Vedic culture calls Radgas ) they permanently are involved with questioning truth (I mean during daily life). We must try all the time to tune ourselves higher, to try to alienate our look from what Husserl calls natural determination our usual view of the world and to perceive existence as only a question mark . Watch and Prey! commanded Jesus (here stress is on watch - watcher). We just accustomed normality as we were suggested by communal space (this energetic mode Vedic culture calls Tamas ) and that is a passive consuming mode it constantly kills our valuable chance for awareness.
TTT is a hyper space none of us is able to pray devotedly, none of us is able to reach quality which calls meditation, but at least here we can reach each other for active and true touch. Krishna commands Speak about me! he even tells to speak about him as a practice is higher then prayer because this puts under the control careless conditions (our talks, chats) which human being loves so much.
Everyone has such a special sensibility referring to the truth why not to always gift it to each other through the net that is the best use of it!

TTT is not a space for arguments and disputes but for gifts, insights, visions, desires of ours and perhaps even love if once a penguin will disappear inside of us.

My best wishes to you all and welcome to Düsseldorf,
Gia 12.07.09

Hi Gia,
It seems you are the centre of good impulses - gathering interesting talks around us.
Us, because we are within each other. This could be nice to be reflected artistically.
Will work on the project with the house , I told you once, in August looking forward to it.
We will be in France by next Monday, so Larissa and me will be working on our
understanding of "good lord" in ourselves.
Best wishes and tight hugs to your beloved ones,

Simon (

Dear Gia,
If you allow, I would like to continue this Zen postulate of master Linji Azif you mentioned you meet Buddha, kill Buddha I always knew the first part of it and it was very interesting for me to read once the second part (I ll try to translate it correctly):
Wenn ihr Buddha trifft, tötet Buddha (..) Dann erlangt ihr zum ersten Mal Befreiung, werdet nicht mehr von dingen gefesselt und durchdringt alles frei.
If you meet Buddha, kill Buddha (..) then you attain for the first time a liberation, you would be no more bind with a things and get through everything free.
I think that is the same reason why light or shadow doesn t exist in an Japan/China painting it s no immanence of God there (the immanence that we know from another religions)

best regards

Ilona Keil ( 11.07.09

Dear Gia,
due to Gabriela Oberreuter I was very pleased to receive your and Flo's email. The idea of communication net is great and I will be happy to participate in it. Thinking about the space and public art, I remembered the idea of, the project of the
With best regards,

Janina (

Thanks Janina,
You are more then welcomed! The sites you sent to us are really great!

Thanks also everybody for participating and gifting each other your thought, feelings, emotions, insights, visions, positive and encouraging energy to everybody!!!

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